Last updated: February 26, 2025
This is a small selection of links to some external sites which you may find of use or interest. The site links are grouped under 3 simple headings:
- Local Neighbourhood Information Links
- Commercial Links
- Links to Local Museums, Collections and Art Venues
Please let us know if you find any "broken" links, or if you'd like to suggest the inclusion of any others; you can do so by using the "Contact Us" option in the menu on the left of this page.
Please note that we reserve full discretion in deciding whether and if so how to respond to suggested new links.
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You can find and read those disclaimers in full including, but not limited to, paragraph 15 (which spells out specific 'Disclaimers concerning links on our site to third party sites and resources') of the "Terms of Use" section for this SST House website, which you can also access at any time as one of the options under the "Legal Policies, Terms, etc" menu item, on the left of the screen.
Further, no payment or other benefit has been provided to (or will be accepted by) Sinclair Sandwich Thanet Ltd., S S T Management Ltd. or any of their respective directors, officers, agents and representatives in return for any link to be included on this page.
- 1. Local Neighbourhood Information Links
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- Useful information about Brunswick Square and its history
- Camden Council's website
- The website of the Camden History Society
- A web page about the origins and history of Cartwright Gardens, published by the London Parks & Gardens Trust
- Useful information about Russell Square and its history
- Safer Neighbourhoods police team for the King’s Cross Ward (i.e., our Ward)
- Website of the Marchmont Association
- "Marchmont Voice" (a blog published / maintained by the Marchmont Association)
- 2. Commercial Links [including for SST's Managing Agent]
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- Strangford Management Limited (the Managing Agent since June 2023 for the SST block)
- The Brunswick Centre's website
- The website of the Curzon Bloomsbury Cinema (formerly known as the Renoir)
- Eurostar website - for those tempting getaways to the Continent ....
- Franchi - specialist hardware store's website; SST's managing agent has used this firm for the cutting and supply of duplicate keys and similar services.
- NOTE: the former Franchi premises near Kings Cross (on Gray's Inn Road) are sadly now closed; however, all products and services remain available at Franchi's stores, at 278 Holloway Road, London N7 6NE and 144-146 Kentish Town Road, London NW1 9QB.
- - for booking other rail (and coach) journeys - after all, the SST block is so close to Euston, St. Pancras and Kings Cross stations!
Trainline works with over 200 rail and coach companies to offer its customers travel to thousands of destinations in and across 45 countries in Europe. - 3. Links to some Local Museums, Collections and Arts Venues
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- The British Library is "the national library of the United Kingdom", and gives access to the world’s most comprehensive research collection.
It provides information services to academic, business, research and scientific communities.
Its collection of over 170 million items includes artefacts from every age of written civilisation; the British Library keeps the nation’s archive of printed and digital publications, adding around three million new items to its collection every year.It has many books, and so much more: its London and Yorkshire sites have everything from newspapers to sound recordings, patents, prints and drawings, maps and manuscripts; its inspiring exhibitions interpret these collections, and bring their stories to the public.
- The British Museum's website; for an introduction, please refer to the Museum's "About Us" page.
- The Foundling Museum: "...explores the history of the Foundling Hospital, the UK’s first children’s charity and first public art gallery.
We aim to inspire everyone to make a positive contribution to society, by celebrating the power of individuals and the arts to change lives." -
- The mission of the Horse Hospital is to be a: "... three-tiered progressive arts venue in London providing an encompassing umbrella for the related media of art, film, fashion, literature and music.
It provides a unique and distinctive arts and artist-led environment in which the arts can flourish for the benefit of local residents, tourists, visitors and practitioners.
As the only independent arts venue of its type in the UK, there is both a duty to aim for the broadest possible access to the arts across a broad range of artistic activity and practice and an opportunity to encourage risk, innovation and experimentation." -
- The Wellcome Collection is: "... a free museum and library that aims to challenge how we all think and feel about health.
Through exhibitions, collections, live programming, digital, broadcast and publishing, we create opportunities for people to think deeply about the connections between science, medicine, life and art.
We are part of the Wellcome Trust, which was established under Sir Henry Wellcome's will in 1936.
Wellcome is a global charitable foundation, which aims to improve health for everyone by helping great ideas to thrive. Politically and financially independent, Wellcome supports scientists and researchers to take on big problems, fuel imaginations and spark debate.
Upon our 10th anniversary in 2017, we embarked on a period of reflection and of internal and external peer review. We created a document that sets out this combined mission for Wellcome Collection as a museum and library, our main objectives for the next five years, and how we are now organised to achieve them." -
- The Wiener Library is: "... one of the world's leading and most extensive archives on the Holocaust and Nazi era.
Formed in 1933, the Library's unique collection of over one million items includes published and unpublished works, press cuttings, photographs and eyewitness testimony."
The following 3 links are probably defunct as at 2025 website of the Cartwright Gardens Community Liaison Group, which is maintained by University Partnerships Programme ('UPP'), responsible on behalf of the University of London for managing the recently-completed new student accommodation blocks to the east of Cartwright Gardens.
This website gives access to meeting agendas and minutes, and the latest versions of the various management plans.