Last updated: February 26, 2025


This is a small selection of links to some external sites which you may find of use or interest. The site links are grouped under 3 simple headings:

  1. Local Neighbourhood Information Links
  2. Commercial Links
  3. Links to Local Museums, Collections and Art Venues

Please let us know if you find any "broken" links, or if you'd like to suggest the inclusion of any others; you can do so by using the "Contact Us" option in the menu on the left of this page.

Please note that we reserve full discretion in deciding whether and if so how to respond to suggested new links. 


Each of the links set out on this sub-page is provided subject to various liability disclaimers which protect Sinclair Sandwich Thanet Ltd., S S T Management Ltd. and their respective directors, officers, agents and representatives.

You can find and read those disclaimers in full including, but not limited to, paragraph 15 (which spells out specific 'Disclaimers concerning links on our site to third party sites and resources') of the "Terms of Use" section for this SST House website, which you can also access at any time as one of the options under the "Legal Policies, Terms, etc" menu item, on the left of the screen.

Further, no payment or other benefit has been provided to (or will be accepted by) Sinclair Sandwich Thanet Ltd., S S T Management Ltd. or any of their respective directors, officers, agents and representatives in return for any link to be included on this page.